Amber champagne check with 79.688% AV
born 20.05.2013
Mutter: Painted Sharifah
Father: Khalvin Khlein
Partbred Arab
Born 06.05.2011
Vater: Jarkhan el Saraja
Mutter: Hag Khamira Shadah
Mother page: Polish, CMK, Egyptian, Old German
Father's side: purely Egyptian
CA and SCID free
Homozygous for the Rappgen
Born: 29.04.2009
Vater: *BS Black Lover
Mutter: Hag Khamira Shadah
Mother page: Polish, CMK, Egyptian, Old German
Father's side: Polish, Babson
CA and SCID free
Homozygous for the Rappgen
Arabic Partbred
born 20.03.2004
Vater: Painted Diamond ( Pedro ox x Nizaara )
Mutter: PrSt Soraya (PrH Sheitan x Salome)
SCID and CA Free
Homozygot Tobiano
Arabic Partbred
born 23.2.2016
Vater: Colorful Magic Star ( Mighty Magic Star x Nadira IV ox )
Mother: Lucille (Rafik ox x Louise)
SCID and CA Free
Cream ( Palomino u. Buckskin ) , ND1
(which makes Dun markings without Dun (true Falbe)), Tigerschecke / Leopard PATN (Volltiger and Schabracktiger)
Black Brown
born 27.04.2013
Father: Rouhas
Mother: Kodarah
Pure Egyptian with lots of baby blood
SCID and CA Free
Rabicano gene carrier
Pure-bred Haflinger mare
Born: 01.04.2003 Height: 1,52 m
Father: Sternthaler-W dam: Fidosya breeding class: 2a stallion mother; Stud book recording 2006; Evaluation class 2a ;
Hauptstutbuch mare performance test 2007;
3rd place with 7.5 points total;
This can prove numerous successes and could often reach the title "national champion jumping". She also took part in world record jumping, the European Championship 2015 (eventing) and many other championships ...
Haflinger Deckhengst
LNr.: 040 005 52-30588-13
Geb .: 30.03.2013
Breeder / Owner: Katharina Weitensfelder
Approval: Stadl-Paura, 03.02.2017
Bwkl.: 2a
Dimensions: 150/159/173/20
HLP: Successfully completed
Father: Amarillo after evening light
Mother: Fiury to Sterntaler W.
Allegro has a dreamlike character!
He is an elegant young stallion with a sensational pedigree that leaves nothing to be desired! Both parents are represented in the eventing and driving sport.
Pintabian Producer LIMITED DESIGN
Pinto Arab Deck Stallion
Körsieger and overall winner 2019 at ÖAZV HB1
Gekört HB1 Zsse
Approved HB1 ZfdP
Mother: Sheer from VZAP Elite Stallion Blaz our Fancy Amir
Vater: Pintabian SH Limited Edition
He is homozygous to the Tobiano gene
(inherits 100% piebald with each mare)
His later offspring have more than 99% AV with VA mares
SCID CA and LFS FREE design
Arabic Partbred
Palomino / Cremello Deckhengst
Approved HB 1
Cremello with ~ 91% OFF
Mother: Gantrup Gefion PrSt from Moonhaze Silver Spiral
Father: SL Kingsgold
The special feature of the Cremello color is the guaranteed lightening of the base color, so it makes in mating with foxes to 100% Palominos, browns are lightened to Buckskin, cubs to Smoky Black.
He is one of the very few Cremellos`s with over 91% AV share.
He was in the VZAP premiums and winning foals in his age class
Overo Stallion with 96,875% OFF
Born on 4.6.2018
Overo Rappschecke
two blue eyes
Mother: CWH Karima
Father: Te Pharenheit
Overo gene carrier
homozygous for the Rappgen